
adam humphreys

Welsh sculptor Adam Humphreys is an artist with a difference. Working across a myriad of mediums, each piece is bespoke, whether carved from timber with a chainsaw, or metal bent, hammered and welded by hand. With pieces in public and private collections across the UK, Southern Africa and Australia, Adam's work is gaining traction globally.

For more information or to enquire about collaborations, commissions and pricing visit:

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Carol Russell

Carol has been working with timber for most of her adult life. Beginning in 1987 with small furniture projects and antique restoration Carol spent time learning from craftsmen who were prepared to share their knowledge. She worked as a furniture maker, focusing on small commission projects and exhibiting her work in galleries in Brisbane, Canberra and Sydney. Carol also loves to teach woodwork to children and adults, encouraging them to experience the pleasure of creating something with their own hands from some of our beautiful Australian timbers.

For more information visit Carol’s website:


Leon Sadubin

Leon has had a significant impact on furniture design and making in Australia. Since 1976 he has participated actively in the craft movement and initiated an exhibition in 1978 which led to the formation of the Woodworkers Association of NSW of which he is an Honorary Life Member. He was awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 1982 which took him to Denmark to study the organization of furniture workshops and to Germany to study woodcarving with a master carver. A number of his works are included in the collection of the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, the New Parliament House, Canberra and numerous private collections. He has regularly taught furniture design at Australian Universities and has given many presentations to woodworkers associations and interest groups.

To view some of Leon’s pieces visit:

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Samantha Arnull

Samantha Arnull is an Artist who creates work that explores human frailty and reflections on the natural world; her work presents across sculpture, photography and works on paper. Through her sculptures and assemblage Samantha presents an intricate look at the relationship between objects and materials, she gives them new meaning and purpose, via her investigations her work aims to present questions, play with scale and ensure we are all wondering.
Samantha conducts workshops & is available for Commissions - email: